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Tag Archives: Health

Benefits of Coffee.

Coffee does more than boost your energy. A few daily cups of coffee may also lower your risk of type 2 diabetes and depression. Support weight management, and help you live a longer life health. Just keep in mind that experts recommend limiting caffeine if

What are the health benefits of EGCG?

Test-tube, animal, and some human studies suggest that EGCG provides health benefits. For example, research suggests that catechins like EGCG may help to reduce inflammation and prevent certain chronic conditions, including: Ultimately, more research is necessary to better understand how people can use EGCG. As a preventive tool

Nutrients in oolong tea.

Similar to black and green teas, oolong tea contains several vitamins, minerals and helpful antioxidants. A cup of brewed oolong tea contains small amounts of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It also contains about 38 mg of caffeine. In comparison, a cup of green tea contains

Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss.

Healthy snacks may help you promote weight loss as part of an overall healthy eating pattern. While research on whether snacking aids weight loss is mixed, some evidence suggests that. Increasing your meal frequency through snacking may help manage hunger and improve blood sugar regulation

Dirty Coffee Recipe.

Dirty Coffee is another coffee menu that highlights the ingredients from coffee beans very well. It also presents the art of coffee by layering coffee with chilled milk. Making it perfectly smooth and rich in one bite. It is also easy to drink and suitable

What is iced cocoa?

 Iced cocoa is a type of drink. The main ingredient is cocoa powder from cocoa beans that come from the cocoa tree. To make a drink, just mix it with hot water. Add sweetness with sugar or condensed milk or both. Add fresh milk or

Banana pancake.

 Try banana pancake. This recipe uses thin layers of batter for softness and texture. It is delicious if you eat it just as batter, and you don’t need to spread anything on it. Banana Pancake Ingredients How to make banana pancakes?      1. Mix all

Mixed berry smoothie

        Mixed Berry Smoothie, a recipe blends berries with strawberries, adds fruit juice as desired. And adds honey to cut the sourness for a more balanced taste. Mixed Berry Smoothie Ingredients: How to make a mixed berry smoothie? Next it’s time to blend! Begin blending