What are the health benefits of EGCG?

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Test-tube, animal, and some human studies suggest that EGCG provides health benefits. For example, research suggests that catechins like EGCG may help to reduce inflammation and prevent certain chronic conditions, including:

  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes
  • some cancers

Ultimately, more research is necessary to better understand how people can use EGCG. As a preventive tool or treatment for disease, though current data is promising. สมัคร ufabet

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Much of EGCG’s claim to fame comes from its strong antioxidant capacity and potential to combat oxidative stress and inflammation.

Oxidative stress occurs when there are too many free radicals in your body.

Research links oxidative stress and inflammation to various chronic conditions, including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

EGCG’s antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may protect your cells from damage. Due to oxidative stress and suppress the activity of pro-inflammatory chemicals, such as TNF-alpha.

Heart health.

Research in a 2022 review suggests that EGCG may support heart health by reducing blood pressure, cholesterol, and the accumulation of plaque in blood vessels. All major risk factorsTrusted Source for heart disease.

A 2022 animal study found that EGCG lowered blood pressure in hypertensive mice over 14 days.

Research of 3,321 people across 31 trials concluded that green tea typically helps to lower total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.

A 2023 review also highlights research suggesting that drinking more green tea may lower the risk of death from heart diseases.

Though these results are encouraging, more research is necessary to better understand how EGCG in green tea may reduce heart disease risk.

Weight loss

EGCG may also promote weight loss. According to review, people experienced significant reductions in body mass index and waist circumference when taking green tea over 12 weeks.

The authors concluded that using green tea along with dietary adjustments and regular exercise. May be beneficial for weight management in people with obesity.

Additional human studies have collectively found that. Taking 100 to 460 milligrams (mg) of EGCG daily with 80 to 300 mg of caffeine for at least 12 weeks may lead to significant weight loss and reduction of body fat.

Still, more research is necessary to understand EGCG’s effects on weight loss.